How Can Game Artists Evaluate Blueberry Intelligent Digital Asset Management System?
Blueberry intelligent asset management system for digital assets and Passion intelligent project manager is used by acclaimed game designers around the world. They use them as part of their daily workflow. What do these game art masters have to say about intelligent asset management?
Blueberry Digital Asset Management AI Games
My team is working remotely every day. Blueberry helps us to stay on track with our projects, even when time is limited. Enterprise shared folders allow all files to be easily accessed, while the real-time preview allows members of the team to respond or comment instantly. Blueberry's intelligent digital asset management software offers unparalleled team collaboration.
Blueberry Enables Team Collaboration
My rk as a graphic artist has been made much easier since I started using the Blueberry Intelligent Digital Asset Management system. The powerful online real-time preview and artificial intelligence recognition functions have dramatically shortened my working hours on any project.
Dunhuang (original designer) Chen found Blueberry's intelligent digital assets management system to be truly amazing. By using intelligent retrieval attributes such as file color, name, and label, I can find files quickly in different categories. This is not just for internal files but also for files from other systems and URLs.
Mahdi (3D Modeler) I am most excited about the Blueberry intelligent digital assets management system's full access to production tools and game engines, such as Unreal Engine. Blueberry will soon connect PS, AE, and game engine code control with SVN, making game development easier and faster. Blueberry will soon make seamless connections between PS, AE, game engine, and SVN code control - making the entire game development process simpler and faster!
David Chen, Art Project Director: My experience with Blueberry's intelligent digital asset system continues to improve my workday. Blueberry's online preview feature supports more than 100 formats, including Fbx, Obj, and lossless 4k videos. As an art director, I can easily preview and download in real-time from home. This makes my work easier and less tedious.
Blueberry is a design consulting company with offices in the San Francisco Bay Area, California, as well as Beijing and Chengdu, and other places around the world. Art Consulting Group specializes in world-class art consultation, art production and software services.
Blueberry Digital Asset Tool
Blueberry Intelligent Digital Asset Management System (DAM) and Passion Intelligent Project Management Systems (IPMS), developed by Art Consulting Group, rely on AI-based intelligent identification and searching technology.
They also offer high-speed online reviews of multiple formats, integration between upstream and downstream processes, and intuitive features to maximize productivity and efficiency. These systems have helped many teams and companies achieve better digital resource management. They also optimize work processes and improve work efficiency.Check out blueberry free trial for more information.