Architectural Design
Powerful permission management, data security, real-time collaboration, and integration capabilities with upstream and downstream systems empower project teams with a comprehensive set of solutions, including integrated design data, multi-disciplinary collaborative design, digital multi-party interactions, and digital asset management.
Models often require multiple revisions, resulting in version confusion and the inability to quickly and efficiently compare old and new models.
Pain Point
Share Creators Efficiency Enhancement Solution:
With powerful version control capabilities, share creators automatically detects the list of newly added and modified files in the local workspace and uploads them. It provides local and remote file comparison previews and conflict resolution features. This enables the team to browse and compare different versions of models at any time, facilitating team discussions and driving better decision-making in projects.
The allocation and management of permissions directly affect the efficiency and quality of drawing reviews. Often, it is difficult to define and clarify permissions, resulting in low efficiency in drawing reviews.
Pain Point
Share Creators Efficiency Enhancement Solution:
Share creators provides clear permission management. Users can define what they can see, access, and edit for each resource through permission settings. The visitor mode in share creators also includes clear permission management and supports multiple permission modes. External contractors can access the system through the visitor mode to view and download resources, making progress management with external contractors seamless.
The team has numerous projects, making design data management cumbersome. Outsourced projects and remote collaborations involve mostly one-way communication, low efficiency, slow feedback, and challenges in coordination.
Pain Point
Share Creators Efficiency Enhancement Solution:
be categorized and centrally managed based on projects. Even with a large volume of production materials, they can be clearly displayed and quickly searched, facilitating the accumulation and reuse of high-quality production materials. Designers can easily upload files, and project team members can review design drawings online and provide comments.