How did Ratebeer choose ECM to centralize their assets and enable a network of distributors?

A Michigan craft brewery is one of the fastest growing breweries in the country, and they have been brewing world-class beer since the early 2000s. Rated as one of the top breweries in the world for the past five years, Ratebeer has grown their marketing program and distributor network with highly rated beers.

When Shared Folders Aren’t Enough

Prior to the introduction of ECM, breweries’ marketing departments were running campaigns to promote their products, as well as signing up new representatives to sell their beer nationwide. Both required a wide variety of marketing materials, from large printed banners, videos and ads, to presentations and proposals. As the marketing team received more and more requests for materials and produced all types of collateral, they needed a location where they could organize and share access to keep those materials. They used Dropbox for marketing campaign assets and provided distributors with a separate one. However, this quickly became unmanageable as it took too long to find individual images or files, and the organization of shared folders became a mess. The marketing team realized they needed a better solution to manage their brand assets.

Marketing assets now available on demand

After careful evaluation of multiple platforms, ECM was chosen as its asset management solution. It was chosen not only for its ability to store and organize all collateral but also because of its robust customization and distribution options. With ECM, the brewery integrated various shared folders and now has a single source of truth for all marketing materials. Another requirement of their new solution was that it be mobile for their employees and partners to work.

The brewery has over 400 users who access ECM. This includes 300 representatives and distributors who can retrieve sales materials anytime, anywhere without having to make a request to the brewery’s marketing team. With excellent mobile working capabilities, team members can access the digital assets and information they need to succeed in their business dealings in-store or on the road.

The brewery currently has 11 regional user groups set up in its ECM to provide customized sales materials for that specific target audience. The ability to easily create new user groups allows the brewery to sign up more reps and distributors while reducing the burden of collateral requests on the marketing team. As breweries continue to grow and add more reps and distributors, they already have a solution that allows them to scale their marketing.

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